Memberships terms and conditions

Fee policy


Always check-in when you arrive. Check-in needs to happen NO LATER than 5 minutes BEFORE class – or it will result in a fine. Remember to check in for all classes right away. You are welcome to join the class even if you forgot to check-in.

See our fee prices >>

Cancellation of a class

Cancel your spot NO LATER than 4 hours in advance. If you don’t do that you will receive a fine.

See our fee prices >>


If you booked a class, but can’t show up – you will receive a fine.

See our fee prices >>

Waiting list

You will get an app notification (make sure to have them enabled) NO LATER than 4 hours in advance. If you got a spot, but don’t show up you will receive a fine.

 See our fee prices >>


Subscription cancellation

You have to quit your membership by sending an e-mail to Any other forms are not accepted.

If you cancel your subscription before the 15th of a month your subscription will terminate by the end of the month (if your binding period is over). If you cancel your subscription after the 15th of a month your subscription will terminate by the end of the following month (if your binding period is over).

Pause period

You can put your subscription on hold up to 3 months during one year for a small fee. The pause period must be in exact months (date to date). You have to request via email to with start date an duration.

See our fee prices >>


You are allowed to film your self in class after getting permission from the instructor. Usually we have a 5 minutes session by the end of each class where it’s possible.